The Psychology of Running a Bed and Breakfast, Guest House or Inn

Hi, it's Yvonne here and in today's video, I'm going to talk about the psychology that you need to be aware of while running your B&B, guest house or inn so that you can tap into the key areas of life that matter to us all. So whether you're new or you've been doing this for a while, this video will help you to identify the key areas that you could be putting some simple psychology to work for you in your business without doing any more work or trying to get any more guests. As humans, we have six basic human needs Maslov first identified them many many years ago and many famous people like Stephen Covey and Tony Robbins have built upon them to give us a framework in which to use them? So today I'm going to talk about two of them the need for certainty and the need for contribution and how they apply to you and in your B&B guest house or inn.

Let's start with our basic human need for certainty. Your guests are looking to you to make them feel safe when they book with you when they arrive with you, and when they stay with you. This means reinforcing their desire to feel certain about their choice, especially in front of a loved one and to feel that you know what you're doing. If you show up either online before they book before they arrive or during their stay with you as someone who is not in control of their own certainty, you will not meet their needs in this area. This could result in a disappointing experience for them and for you and quite possibly result in a mediocre or even negative review. It's not enough to be positive on a good day.

You must show up positive optimistic and certain of yourself and what you offer? every single time, online and offline. What goes on behind the scenes of your business is of no importance to your guests and they should never ever hear about it. If it's the end of the season and you're tired then why not start taking some regular naps during the day or get more sleep at night? Now, let's move on to the second basic human need which is Contribution. This is our basic human need to feel like we're making a difference that somehow something was better because we were there. One of the ways that you can do this is to make sure that your know how important that they're staying with you is to your local community. Not just you. You could let them know how much you love to contribute to your community and how they're part of your ability to do that.

When guests stay with you, you buy more breakfast supplies, so the local store does more business. You employ local cleaners, so they can feed their families too. Likewise, with your laundry service and your other team members. Let your guests know how much it means to them all and you'll tap into their need to contribute, and you'll have another loyal guest because you did this. If you enjoyed this video and you'd like to know more about the psychology of running a B&B, guest house, for inn and how this alone can make you more without doing any more work, then register now for my upcoming masterclass by clicking on the link below. And if you liked this video and you'd like to know more tips that I used and have taught dozens of other owners just like you that will help you to add at least 25% to your business in one season, then click on the red subscribe button to be the first to know when I post the next one.

See you soon!.

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